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PSCDC's Imperial Team Hosts Multi-Community Info Fair and CATCH event with UC Cooperative Extension

CALEXICO, CA - April has been a month filled with PSCDC-hosted events planned for our Imperial Valley communities. An egg hunt event and a CATCH activity event were the two highlights of the month, with both being massively successful events that attracted a substantial amount of PSCDC residents. To foster friendships within PSCDC communities as a whole, as well as taking advantage of the close proximity of the communities, the Imperial PSCDC team have been coordinating multi-community events recently, which has been met with astounding success!

On April 18th, the Imperial team hosted the CATCH collaboration event at Villa Dorada Apartments. The Coordinated Approach to Children health, or CATCH, event was held in partnership with the University of California Cooperative Extension that was designed to promote education on healthy living. To encompass all of the communties' requests for more health and wellness resources and opportunities, the Imperial PSCDC team invited other local agencies to provide outreach information to our residents. Agencies that were in attendance during the event included:

Residents visited and met with representatives from each agency, getting help with their questions and learning more about available resources. To encourage residents to visit each partner's booth, blank sticker cards were handed out to children for them to collect stickers from each partner agency. Residents who filled up the card with stickers were able to trade them to receive a goodie bag! The Calexico Fire Department and their fire truck was a massive hit for the children, with the fire fighters taking time to answer questions, and even demonstrating the truck's siren per the request of a resident.

There were plenty of activities planned during the event, one of which was residents painting small flower pots and picking which seeds to plant inside them. Residents could select basil, radish, or celery seeds which were provided by the UC Cooperative Extension. The UC Cooperative Extension also hosted a game of Caterpillar Tag as a part of their CATCH program, which was a program designed to get children moving and enjoy exercising. Directors from the CATCH program had the children warmup first through a progression of walking, skipping, and running around in a circle. While the children were busy with the CATCH games, a representative from the CalFresh program, Martha Lopez, held a nutrition informational class for the rest of the residents inside the community room. There, she gave a demonstration and sample on how to make a healthy fruit salad with yogurt.

The event also featured a raffle and beverages compliments of PSCDC. Most of the items and toys given away during the raffle were provided by PSCDC, with one raffle item, a backpack, graciously donated by Sure Helpline Center. The goodie bags handed out to who were able to complete their sticker cards were prepared by the Imperial PSCDC team, who filled them with water, snacks, and sweets.

PSCDC and our Imperial team would like to thank all of our partners who attended the CATCH event and information fair. Imperial residents greatly appreciate the information and resources provided by our local partners. Informational fairs have always been popular within Imperial communities, with the Imperial PSCDC team always planning for more in the future and connecting our residents with new partners and resources. Organizations and agencies looking to be a part of our next information fair in Imperial Valley are encouraged to contact us here.



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